Why don’t these countries unite into one country that way they can beat America in the incoming trade war? Are they stupid?
Why did Japanese build this temple? Are they stupid? Tehey could build a Costco
What do you guys think? Are they stupid?
why did frsnce build this tower? are they stupid?
New solution
Who would win this hypothetical war?
All hail the Bent Pyramid!
Why did Egypt build this pyramid? Are they stupid? Why not build a Costco to facilitate life for big families because they consume a lot of food
The village of Kibune in Kyoto, Japan
Why don’t they do this? Are they stupid?
My proposed solution for the American tariffs.
My solution to the trump-canada issue
in this hyptoheticsl, hypothetically, who would, hyptoetically win this hypertesticulary cancer win this war if this hypotesticle war were to happen
Colors of Countries europe
Who would win this hypothetical warwho would win this hypotesticle war
Map of countries where you can legally legally legal legally europe who would win this hypothetical war
Who would this hotel war hypothetical war hypothetical war hypothetical war hypothetical war who hypothetical win war hypothetical war
Did you know that this is Europe this is Europe this is europe this is Europe this is europe this is Europe this is Europe this is Europe this is Europe this is Europe this is Europe this is Europe this is europe this is europe this is Europe this is europe this is Europe this is europe if ww3 the g
My solution to the time zone problem
map of Africa and Europe if tbebrirhr rhejwww3 happeehd beateeen japan dhian and india
Map of Spain and portal of make Spain and Portugal Spain or Portugal map of Spain and portgugak 👍🗿👍👊
This siswhaaty happeskns whebebs you pirht toodmuch elmeonade on ehrhethe moown and jjkerk oderff wiehtb the tkah tlah flag
Map of Europe hypjehrjxak war when the e 2924 2025 with glittarkei rusiajn wxoansion intek ukrian and belekweis
What Else Should We Rename While We're At It?
Who would win this hypothetical war
For me it’s 🏆🤩🤯🍇❤️🤨