Suggestions on a name for this little lady?
This sign in a shooting range bathroom
Is Victoria BC the Canadian Portland?
MK Giveaway: MK Frozen Llama Mouse
Throw some names in the hat for this little lady?
What’s a tv show that you wish existed?
2 Fleet Foxes tickets for tonight's sold-out show for sale.
Eggs Benny
Cats on Cook
School Questions from an American
What local business has the most entertaining reviews?
What place or store will you never return to & why? Stolen from r/Perth
Best curly fries in town?
What’s your Victoria conspiracy theory?
Worst places to eat in vic?
What is a hobby where you can complete a “task” in one siting?
TMJ help
Barbershop 💈
What songs did you sing along to as a kid only to realize as an adult the lyrics are full of sexual innuendo?
Does anyone have recommendations for a cat groomer ?
What a joke
A knife my grandfather brought back from WWII
Does everyone experience the out of body sensation that is shoving a cotton swab in their ear canal?