am i allowed to post this here
Finished my kit bash. I don't think the 2nd plasma pistol is strictly game legal...
Kitbash Idea! Dumb or Am I Cooking When The Lord of Poxes Comes Out?
TMNT Orks! Finalized and magnatized!
First ever squad finished how'd I do
I still need a weapon
If anyone is deciding on the mg exia hopefully this convinces you.
Never 2v2 with Gork and Mork
Custom Chuchu’s Demi Trainer
My daemon prince needs a name
It finally happened. I spilled my Agrax Earthshade all over my pajamas :(
Masking is deceitfully hard
Are these notifications accurate? 11 more days without any power or heat in the bedrooms is gonna drive us insane. Last night my room dropped to below 10 degrees and is currently 8.8.
Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 Ultramarine style PlayStation 5. For the Emperror!
2 squads of Assault Intercessors charging in
First two Terminators down! Which blue looks better?
Space Marine Lieutenant with Power Shield - took me around 12 hours total - how did i do?
Unpopular opinion I like the first GM and the GM line better than the Zaku
best affordable gunpla to buy for boyfriend
Weekend project WIP
bandai or daban (unleashed the beast)
Ahh c'mon the fuck lads
HGs have come so far. GQuuuuuuX build!
I thinned my paints for the first time, and I can’t believe I didn’t do it earlier