Consolidation phase
Someone told me a couple weeks ago to cash out on the gains... Glad I didn't listen.
Ford focus active 2020
Infinity War Captain America by Negans2000
Ciolacu îi numea pe românii din diaspora "necalificați". Georgescu i-a catalogat drept "sclavi" și "analfabeți".
Horizon 3 title
Lyon 5 Day Trip
Quantum Day without D-Wave?
Just bought my first car
Explain the physics please
Get ripped after 40 - possible?
What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid, only to find out later you were totally wrong?
This is my transformation after 3-5 working days on wife's boyfriend highly recommended it, so I had to. Does my progress look okay?
Feels so gooood to see GREEN day again…Hallelujah…😎! How about you fellow investors? How y’all doing??
Jensen’s comment taken out of context…
Maybe Maybe Maybe
How this pen writes
Incline DB Shoulder Press: 34kgs/75lbs (BW: 60kgs/133lbs)
How my father reacted to my pregnancy news.
What comes to mind?
C'est qui ?
Inside Chernobyl, scientists have discovered a black fungus feeding on deadly gamma radiation.
Just bricked a +8 GB for good reason
Our tank ragequit a Heroic Mists of Tirna Scithe within 5s just because we opened the herbalism shortcut at the start.