What character are you playing currently? What's your "perfect" round? What are you hoping to get later in the game?
Bundestagswahl 2025 – LSVD⁺-Wahlprüfsteine: Was wollen die Parteien für LSBTIQ* in Deutschland tun?
„Tägliche Gruppenvergewaltigungen“: Keine Belege für Merz’ Behauptung zur Kriminalität von Asylbewerbern
Holocaust-Überlebender schreibt an Merz: „Bleiben Sie Mensch, Herr Merz“
Sidhe or Sith? Are they related? Where are the Sidhe?
Hi! I'm completely new to pathfinder and I wanted to ask about AC and other things
What class has you hooked?
Corona: CIA geht eher von Laborpanne aus
Help going to pathfinder from DnD
What deities are Patreon/worshipped by disabled people?
AfD at S Pankow Heinersdorf
Das sind Donald Trumps erste Dekrete
The Skill Feat system can be a bit underwhelming in some places. What are some changes that you made to particularly underwhelming Skill Feats?
Is Draw Steel scaring Paizo management into pumping out way more Pathfinder content?
Steven Novella's "When Skeptics Disagree" talk from CSICon
Maximum Archetypes Amount
Is there a module that can do something like this when you pause the game? Specifically with Pathfinder 2e information already built in, or that's customizable?
Stunned condition normal behavior
Elemental Rage question
[PF2e] How do I transfer character sheets from Pathbuilder into Foundry?
Imperial Dragon Potion
"Pathfinder: Treasure Vault (Remastered)" Announced on Paizo's Website
Trying to Make Living Rat Swarm Player.
Initiative edge case: 'turn effects' between turns?
In your opinion/experience: What are some of the best archetypes for a thaumaturge?