Which cologne makes you feel like you just smelled the most divine piece of art in universe?
Am I winning or losing: Trading my moondrop LANs for Truthear zero blues
Which anime/manga make you cry?
Hoyo please let us view the full event art!
2 more! Now MEIKO!
My 100% Complete collection
At the 300 doorstep. Pick Koleda or Nekomata?
Comment your favorite song that is in project sekai (any) and see if
Johan vs top tiers
Who is this guy ?
Should I play league as a Mobile MOBA gamer?
So who is the better striker and overall player currently?
how is this allowed
Best teams for the goat?
What has been your best pull out of the angelic/demon stardrops ?
After 200k+ attempts I finally beat Time Machine!!!!
Built your team meme! (many characters)
On the topic of level showcases, which of these two do you watch more often, and why?
what is your favorite zzz character?
Update on the Allowed Frequency of Posting Artworks: 1 in every 72 hours
rolan_ajo as Jane Doe
Jane Doe (?)
I still don't know how did this beef started...