Does anyone know how I can improve my stretch marks? I lost a lot of weight and gained stretch marks on my back.
Product recommendation for Dry skin
Online order hasn't shipped in a week - worry?
My parents are so out of touch
So done with Sephora
Blind buy
[research] Using retinol while pregnant
Armani Cheek Tint
This smells really really good
Is this mold ?
My first Duro. I got specifically to wear with my green Fila tracksuit.
Eyeliner tips for newbies
Favorite rose-based fragrance?
Did my old principal hate me for being autistic?
Do you have a favourite celebrity perfume?
The common advice of, “Not everyone is going to like you” is bad advice and is almost always used as a coping mechanism for people with bad personalities
Do these nail shape and color harmonize with my skin?
Sephora haul 🥇
Oily skin girls, what natural foundations and primers do you recommend during the sale?
Sephora sale haul :)
My Boyfriend is Upset That I Don't Want to Do Anal
Dating is hard
AITA not tell my daughter that I was in an accident?
What is a perfume that was hyped up, but didn't really reach your expectations?