How do I make my miniature paints smooth?
Anything wrong with the paint?
The indomitus box?
Does the colour of the basing matter if it's gonna be primed
Eradicator Sgt
Are these a good deal?
Final Sternguard Vet Complete - Plus the full squad
Update on the decision between IW or IF
Can't decide between iron worriors or imperial fists
Is the baal predator tank discontinued?
Is this legit or is there a catch to it? (Aud)
First piece of Hivestorm terrain done to a tabletop standard
It’s Fisting Time!
Two more more death company marines finished.
Are these good for a dark angels army?
Terminator 2
Starter kit, old DA combat patrol or both?
Leviathen box or starter box
Would a plastic bottle be fine for painting/priming?
Halo Infinite Shop - The Yappening II - 4/2/24
This is why I'll be sticking with CS1 for a while
Full servers...but can't find anyone is matchmaking?
Yes Titan fall 3 would be good but I don’t want it to end up like this
Do it
Is the aerospace systems degree in UON decent aswell as UON?