What’s my dream mean?
Thinking about finally giving up on this life. Are there any last experiences I should try to have before deciding to go?
Tomorrow is my birthday and I made myself a Cake 🥰
What has most positively helped your libido?
My 31 years of life
How do you uncover suppressed memories of experiences?
has anyone ever actually died in their dreams?
Know anyone with a vampire encounter story?
Honest answers only
What to do…
I'm so excited!!
focaccia dough killed my new kitchen aid stand mixer bowl
"Journey Through Color", me, acrylic & oil painting, 2025
foods to keep me fuller longer?!i only get 53 dollars every month for food.
Are you “in love” with your husband or wife?
Must Have Items for Menopause?
CVC Words
How do I teach non English speaking kids to read in English?
I’m no longer attracted to my wife
I hate being an ugly woman
How to use from starter and then "keep it going"?
Looking for podcasts.
Canker sore
Does calling 911 work for anyone in dreams???