How many women want to join the 4b movement given our country's politics right now?
Give me your 3yo appropriate Christmas movie recommendations
Self-expression after 35
So what actually is the plan?
On Campus Faculty interview
What do I do??
I’m apparently the last to know
We need a private community
What prevents men who don't wish to have children from pursuing vasectomies as a permanent contraceptive option?
Hey Daddit. What NOT to put on our baby registry?
what embarrassing habit does your toddler have??
Does where you live matter? (Considering accepting TT offer in an undesirable location.)
AITA for telling my daughter she sabotaged herself?
Campus Visit Attire
Co-parenting in same house?
What is something people underestimate the danger of?
Travel car seat
Back to multiple choice exams
Weight loss for some while EBF
First time mom here! Due in 3 weeks. What are some items that weren’t exactly essential, but made YOUR life as a new mom easier?
Did you walk into the delivery room, or get wheeled in?
How do we raise boys who won't end up like the terrible partners we read and hear about?
Which profession has the most f**ked up people in it?
What genius parenting moves have you pulled off?
This was how good I still looked after 10~ hours in central London. The makeup survived high humidity, sideways rain, heat and the especially heinous hell that is the London underground circle line in summer. I did no touch up's whatsoever.