Some sad shit, mf said he didn’t wanna be black no more
Shut the fuck up and listen.
NFL vs NBA vs NHL All-Star Games
How much money did you make today, slut?
20 years in the Vatican. I wanted to fuck a woman. I fucked little boys instead. See where I'm going with this?
Gang. Are we back? Have we ever been more back?!
Live Show, Austin, Texas
Still goin’ this asshole
Is Dwight Howard a hall of famer?
Freaky Tales trailer. Action Comedy set in 1987 Oakland where the Warriors' Sleepy Floyd is a major character
What do you think about the NHL VS NBA culture debate?
Kevin O'Calledout
I’m noticing a uniform trend and I hate it
Explain in mnba terms
Mr. Mike Smith, Utah. 2025
Christopher…fuck you doing?
He was a flambee, Logan Roy?
Tripled in size
My friends and I drafted fast food items. Who won?
greatest black player ever
What? Nothing… he’s just there thats all…
Are car Crashes as an event over used?
Wtf is this scorecard
When I was a kid, you were an old man. Now I’m old, and you’re still old
Tfw Nico asks you to workout even though you are injured