Last week we took in a Mama cat and a litter of kittens that needed a home. Yesterday a call came in that a single kitten was looking for a family, he was instantly accepted lovingly by the rest of the previously rescued kitty clan. Good kitties.
Still haven’t officially named these two sibling kittens with very different personalities. Genders unknown. Prefer short names, not common human names.
Is there a way to fix the bouncing and jiving? I’ve tried adjusting the screw at the neck, tried it a few different ways, and it seemed the same each time.
ULPT: my mother stalks me, my boss, and my fiance. Help me.
Help me find a restaurant that serves heart shaped food
Name some restaurants you miss. Maybe I can find a recipe in an old newspaper.
Valentine’s Day recommendations
How much is your water bill a month? And how many people are you?
Winter Frost Pineberries are in season
What’s your ‘lazy but delicious’ meal for when you don’t feel like cooking?
People’s best nausea fixes. Some are wild
Missourian, thinking about going to Mohawk Valley. Give me your travel tips and opinions.
what do you feel like is missing from the beauty industry?
Seeking fiori di zucca/squash blossoms
Apartment search
Favourite vegetarian meal?
The ring my mom gave me from the 80’s and the matching pendant I found last night while cruising pawnshop jewels.
Non Sourdough Loaf of bread
Help! How do I get this texture of mac and cheese?
What can I do with a chuck roast that isn’t pot roast or birria?
What is the most underrated candy?
Kid-friendly factory tours
Eyelid twitching
How is it I am in my 50s and STILL having dreams where I've forgotten to go to class for the entire semester?
Non-fruit Jams?