Feeling down
Davide crashing out about r/LoveIslandTV
Commemorating embabies that didn't implant
Two week wait - ideas to kill time?
Valentine's FET
Ik people may think I’m reading into this too much, but I’m not. Davide is once again throwing digs at Ekin while she is in the villa. I wish he’d leave her alone. This is too much.
This girl is a red flag
5th FET…Beta Tomorrow @ 11dp5dt
I had my first FET today!!
If you would have only 1 test, when would you test 5d FET?
2nd FET tomorrow, sat in my feelings, hoping for a miracle
I’m not superstitious, well, I’m a little stitious.
FET 4 Today!
All the things I'm looking forward to - living in hope
Friend wants me to go meet their new born baby
FET3 is today.
FET transfer coming up soon - any suggestions for relaxing PS5 games I can get lost in and pass the time ?
No heartbeat at 8 weeks
Counting down the days to 14th Feb Transfer day ❤️
New respect for the people in this group
Anyone getting their embryo transfer this week?
I can't get over the "guilt" of being an older parent
Uterine Polyp and IVF
To the lady who brought her baby to my fertility clinic and walked him all around the waiting room to say hi and blow kisses to everyone