Songs about not wanting to be something
AIO for calling my very white uncle a racist for sharing this post??
What’s an unwritten rule in your country that outsiders always break?
I need a good cry, I’ve lost a lot of people recently and won’t let myself feel it. Please no romance drama songs.
It is stupid for a person to say they are bi
please give me recommendations !
Fair compensation for 12 year old curtains damaged by tenants
Reply with 10/10 albums
Who is Reddit’s favourite Superstore character ? Day 3 will determine the finalists, vote in my comment below
Who is Reddit’s favourite Superstore character ? Day 2 we will go from our top 8 to the final four, vote in my comment margins below
who’s your comfort youtuber?
Why do people hate Amy?
Best episode to show my gf?
Why shouldn’t white people?
WIBTA if I booked my wedding venue despite my brother claiming the same date?
What TV show absolutely nailed it's finale?
Who in superstore has you like this?
What did your partner/ex do that made you look at them differently?
Any favourite Glenn scenes/lines?
I lost my ride or die today - he fell asleep in the sun and didn't wake up. He was my first foster failure over 14 years ago. Brody.
What is your favorite Matato moment?
Songs that say the artist(s) name in them
How are you feeling over the election?
Cringiest moment from Himym that left you like this ??
My girlfriend got upset after I wasn’t as excited to meet her friend, and I’m confused (M21)(F22) AIW