What is the state of American oil production?
Delta Vero Widespread Bathroom faucet: How in the world do you remove the "stream straightener" or aerator? Weak water flow, got a bunch of scale buildup.
My 4.5 week old baby keeps slowly dropping in weight percentile… am I not feeding her enough??
Cooper starting an oil company is like a season 6 plot point
A prequel Movie would be Cool
Over Glorifying Oil Rig Deaths
Friday Night Lights vibes?
Does this look like asbestos?
[CO][Condo] A pipe started leaking into my unit from the ceiling, they had to cut a hole in my ceiling to fix it, who is responsible for paying for the repair?
Questions about Nosferatu spoilers
What new advancements in fracking and EOR technology are you most excited about?
Landman seems to be pretty realistic
Wow only 4k members here. Even makes this question more relevant. Why do so many dislike Landman?
Brett left because of money
Wait, how did Return of the King win (or even get nominated for) Best Original Score?
6 months Carnivore
Favorite high protein breakfasts? Help someone who developed an egg allergy!
“Just Lift Bro” Yeah; But There’s A But More To It
Exercise(s) that give you the craziest pump
What time/speed/incline do you do your treadmill incline walk cardio at? Or other steady state cardio options?
You can jump cancel out of a smash attack if you jump in the first couple frames?
How important are the tier lists in this game?
I don't understand the hate for S6 & S7.