Can I get a owned item? Those are still in the prize pool. Only the parachute which I got from here has 0% chance, I got the other stuff from a previous crate. What happens if I pull a owned item?
Why? Just…why? 🙄
Drained my wallet and didnt even get it
First time I've ever seen someone habe all three medals at the same time
What BR class keeps you PARANOID?
Where's the double cache crates event for global? It started in CN
How many of you will never camp up here because you have ethics
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
To fight a man
Since I cant post this on r/minecraftbuilds I'm gonna post this here what do you guys think? (0/10)
Urgently need one player for Snapdragon pro series. Europe region, must be active from 11 AM GMT (Greenwich Mean Time, convert to your local time on Google). We just want the epic character grinding.
There's no sound for tank entry/ drive in animation in the battle royale lobby
Well now I've seen it all
10 grenades in BR not working?
This was funny and horrible.
Is codm forcing us to buy the battle pass for more secret caches for the mythic grind?
So how is everyone doing in the event
I found this lil guy what do i call him
Progress so far, not bad I guess, I have premium BP though. What about you guys?
Feels like the base mythic Sophia is tailor made for the T63 legendary, down to the colour and even the cloth and black smoke
The American TikTok creators flooding Chinese internet with their cringe
How many permanent legendary blueprints have been given so far on global? I know about the M4 and DR-H one. Was there any more? (Not the upcoming ones yet to be released)
MP ranked matches after BP50 nerf: