Toxic gun yet opinions are divided has been decided, Next up; good gun but hated by players
Who would win?
Do it
How is the world Tournament Season #4 Going on with you so far ?
What's your most badass moment in game?
Morally grey but opinions are divided gun is chosen, next is toxic but opinions are divided.
Good gun but opinions are divided is chosen, next up! Morally grey but opinions are divided
Who was the first unit you 14 starred? (Not including f2p units) I’ll go first.
Toxic gun but loved by players is decided. Up next! A good gun but opinions are divided
HVK won last round, next- Toxic gun but loved by players
Who would win
Let me hear your choices, first: Good gun and loved by players
People who say USS9 is the most broken gun have never seen these guns before
Dr-h won last round, next- morally grey but loved by players
(Reincarnation of the suicidal battle god)LOL what do you think of their dance.🤣🤣
Make a burger
New meme template just dropped
Just created this new fucking character. what the FUCK should I name him?
created this new characters. what the FUCK should I name them?
If we get him, what should be his occupation?
Let me hear your choices, first: Good unit and loved by players
What do YOU stand for?