1 pvp realm
200.000 mensen de straat op om te demonstreren tegen extreem rechts
Those of you who wanted Classic+, has SOD been good enough for you?
Internationaal Strafhof krijgt steun van 79 landen, waaronder België, na sancties VS
Magneto subtly shares he's an antivaxxer
What's the point of playing warrior if you're not human?
Brussel is de hoofdstad van onze Europese Unie, wat moet Putin wel niet denken als hij het zo in verval ziet?
Only happens once a year.
Dode na nieuwe schietpartij in Anderlecht: “Je raakt eraan gewend maar het blijft beangstigend”
And yet again another shooting in Anderlecht
After killing Harkon, can we save her from there?
Brussels - shootings
Second shooting in Clemenceau
Another shooting in Clémenceau
Nieuwe schietpartij bij Brussels metrostation Clemenceau
Nieuwe schietpartij bij Brussels metrostation Clemenceau, één persoon gewond
Tyler, Yamato and Sillyanne almost die in Wailing Caverns
Ethan says he's making a part 2 of his content Nuke on Hasan, and makes a big claim.
Apparently Beta WoW use to have class specific armor sets while leveling
Do you think people vary between horde/alliance?
BBC News - Belgian police hunt for gunmen in Brussels underground
BBC: Belgian police hunt for gunmen in Brussels underground
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Hasan is skeptical that Kamala would be better than Trump on Gaza
Burning a Quran shouldn’t be a crime