936016621262 starting asap back 2 back
Just came back after 8 months and this happens!
Is this a rare wild spawn?
Deoxys A raid starting asap 4 locals 936016621262
Deoxys A raid starting in 5 mins, 4 locals 936016621262
would you purify? (Already have shiny)
Do I purify to make a hundo?
Registeel raid starting in 5 936016621262
Dragonite raid starting asap 936016621262
Deoxys D 936016621262 starting in 5
Fashion Week Dragonite 1416 5850 2009
Dragonite costume need help pls 146491479571
WB dragonite 2 locals add 2867 4920 3696 or 8093 2380 1423
dragonite weather boosted 2 locals starting asap 181516973758
What’s the longest time you’ve held a gym?
Latias Raid - starting asap - 936016621262
I thought they didn’t exist
What’s everyone’s most recent shinies?
Quick caught this, didn’t even realise!!
mega gengar with party up 984986707322
Hosting Mega Gengar Need People Now: 7750 4969 2160
Mega latias 623946210739 with party up
Show me your most recent shinies!