Is it too late to understand duy vật biện chứng?
Is everyone practicising their fighting game fundamentals for EVO?
What is somethjng you actually like about America/Americans?
Ok but did Marx predict this?? Checkmate commies
Kendrick's legacy
It's not like I had shit to do today stomach, go ahead
Yeah these people have zero heart
"They want you to stop (((noticing))) the pattern of all communist groups" the "noticing" in question:
Actually investigating "Gaming is Dying"
I've seen the most ghastly things come from liberals after the elections
The creator of Roblox wants you to know that he deserves to rule the world because he made Roblox.
I'm seeing a lot of misinformation surrounding South Africa's new land act
God what a dick rider
Baited [OC]
Kendrick need to put this mf in his place next.
I'm seeing a lot of misinformation surrounding South Africa's new land act (read description)
Average china expert be like:
Yes boo hoo very sad but there were millions saved by the same action
This guy is a complete clown.
Is this a W or L?
Is there something I'm missing?