Pre-trial Motions I Have Known and Loved: Rule 12(b) Motion to Dismiss.
GOAT-Civ Pro
Is anyone else trying to launch their own law practice after they pass?
Finally Understanding Strict Liability in Torts (Thank you Goat)
F25 MEE Predictions Official MEGATHREAD
Goat’s materials brought me victory on the mpre, so I’ve just joined the pasture for F25
Bought goat. May the force be with me.
Can someone tell me which contracts lecture has the parole evidence rule?
next step - MEE
Too early in the morning to cry, nahhhhhh.
Goat resources for essays
Does anyone have notes they're willing to share?
UBE Transfer Experience
What's your most common consultation red flag that will make you turn down a client?
Road to 65% +
Can someone do an ELI5 on joinder? I read Goat's outline & Themis' stuff and still don't get it 😩
Slow progress is good progress
Con Law - section 5 of the 14th Amendment - Bouncer Clause
Panicking, how to use Goat Bar Prep
Cannot download from the new site?
Specialist in X law v specializing in X law