To the Ex-Atheists in Here, How Did You Get to Now Believing in the Christian God?
The Main Hurdles of Abiogenesis
Can u christian and think of old testament as methaphors not actual events.
Do most Christians take Genesis literally?
Carbon 14 argues from a young earth.
Are you afraid of death. If answer is yes, why.
Entropy shows Order cannot come from Chaos
Do you feel that Evolution denialism based on the Bible (eg, YEC) is overall harmful, helpful, or neutral toward Christianity?
Question for Non-Pacifist Christians
Human Footprints in the same Geological Strata as Dinosaurs
Why is a God more believable?
Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological Layers
Light from Space Might Be Travelling Instantaneously
If I asked God to hand me over to the world, will he grant my wish?
Why does god give cancer to children?
what do christian’s believe about dinosaurs
Why do we have a tail bone?
Are psychedelics bad to use?
How was metamorphosis able to evolve? And who came first?
Why would God create a person who he knows will end up in Hell?
What are the criteria for entering Heaven?
If you could do away with Hell, would you?
What is it with the terrible drivers recently?
Proof that Humans co-existed with Dinosaurs