Kharadron Overlords "Utility" Hand Weapons and Pirate Helm Sketch
My Concepts for New KO Units
KO manifestations in the lore ?
Flight stands for the UK (shipping magnet baron costs too much)
The Queen's Thunderers!
Descend From the Clouds turn 1?
Barak Rinn's new Navigator!
Trying to understand Union
My Frigate joins the fleet!
Frigate Assembly Problem
Some further progress with nmm armour technique
Aether Khemist done! My favorite model Ive painted
Is paint overwhelming?
Kruleboyz Cavalry concept art
Fire-flyers done! My last unit of the year
The Ecstatic Epistle – Immaculate armaments of agony - Warhammer Community
My lads
Should the Leagues be more Alien?
Starting my KO army off with Brokk Grungsson
Going to my first Tournament, looking for advice
Brokk joins Barak Rinn!
Idea for the October mini
I want to play a game that has the play style of a tactical game.
Drekki and Trokwi!