Looking for a great barber
Christmas Miracle!!
All I want is ONE Starmie EX man…
Opinion: They should have made Budding Explorer match with Celebi too
With one day left before A1a, what’s evading you?
What common card do you want but refuse to buy? (Because may get it if buy it)
I Finnaly Got Mew!! Which card keeps excaping you?
What is that common card that you are finding and are unable to get?
Which design did you like better?
Does anyone have that one card they keep getting?
Where do you place your first bench unit?
Looking for Pickleball Courts in Raleigh, NC
What's your favorite and least favorite filler arc and why??
I just quoted Oda at my grandfather's funeral
Welcome to our gang, Cece and Winston. ❤️💙
9 Astrals 6 mages apparently loses to a single rank 2 Xayah
Finally conviced my wife!!
[Hiring] 3k word report on social media and IT.
Ask me anything about One Piece and edit your question to make my answer look horrible.
Something about Chopper..
Lost/Stray Dog Spotted
[Giveaway] Hey guys, few months ago I posted this Jolly Roger light I made, and I will pick in 24hr one random comment that will win this, covering all the costs. Gl!
F2p/Welkin players. Do you guys pull on the weapon banner? And why?
drew some pics for zhongli birthday~