Elevated HR
Am I the only one who deals with this???
Reasons for low readiness
First time major signs
Border collie doesn’t want to walk all the sudden
Major anxiety all the sudden
My pup has hard time going back to sleep if woken up
Nursing school and working full time
A few questions about getting a Border Collie puppy.
Need some encouragement. Puppy driving me crazy
Running with border collie
11 month old peeing in the house all of a sudden
Need names!
Toppl occupies puppy for max 10 min. help!
I want to kill myself
Why are puppies/Teens so difficult?
Straining my body?
Anxiety with change of seasons??
When did adolescence start for you?
How intense is program?
Are Border Collies really not the right breed for most people?
How many of you have this issue ?
What is this weird thing my dog is doing with her mouth?
Anyone have a collie who is a master manipulator?