Do you want to see more simple new cards like beserker?
Is this good?
What is this card (wrong answers only)
Pros are now actively using decorations as clutter to distract attackers. Should supercell do something about this before it catches on?
Are you kidding me?
What will miner evolution be named??
Do you want to see a new card in the game with controversial mechanics?
New Inferno Spell: Dragon's Breath Card Concept
What makes Dagger Duchess worse than Princess now? Is it that she has less health or is it her 0.1s slower attack speed when out of daggers?
Shall Monk have his 1st hit as a combo hit?
If an evo fireball ever be added, what it would be?
I recently found my old concepts for cards and decided to post them here
Should this evo get a nerf
Mister your arrows?
Pekka needs an emergency buff
Troll Brothers Card Concept that Hides Under Both Bridges
Tiny Pest Concept for Discussion
Inferno tower is going to make me rip my hair out
What should be my next lvl15?
Which one should I choose to spend my 6 shards?
Mini Pekka Evolution
What would you remove from coc
This game is such BS. Really supercell?
Which Evo is better?