Straight to the tippy-top of Douche Mountain w/ this Abomination...
Post pictures of your cat yawning—I'll start!
Testing your mortality with totally sick wheelies.
AITA for telling my coworker he should teach his daughter tact?
Gamers, dont say the title of the game, but what game is instantly recognized by one quote?
Soo, how did Killing Stalking actually end?
AIO Boyfriend says hurtful thing about my body.
To hide the body parts of your victim in your room
Long year
What’s going on with the face?!
Is my tattoo too asymmetrical?
What made you stop socializing the way you used to?
Paid $150, was it worth it?
blacklight in stores
Three days after my dog Koki passes away
To have a girlfriend
AIO? My friend WENT CRAZY when the guy she likes made a drawing of me. WARNING: unhinged rant + racism. (Context in post)
AIO my husband’s friend said what I think are inappropriate things to my daughters
what to say for this....
AIO Dad sent me (23F) these messages on Christmas morning, as him and my stepmother felt disrespected that I used a “black heart” in my merry Christmas text to her.
‘No silver bullet’ — Dog death toll mounts as contagious canine virus spreads across Windsor
Is it just me that's creeped out by Pumbaa's eyes?
Containment for spousal sanity.
Am i overreacting to the situation unfolding with my girlfriend?
Just got my first tattoo paid $540 for it did i get ripped off?