Looking for exmuslims/atheists to be friends with
How do interfaith couples balance religion (muslim-mushrikeen)
Only Muslims go to Jannah?
what should be my "label"?
Tired of the takfiris
Can I stay with my husband if he said he’s not Muslim anymore?
Do you think high school dating should be normalized in India?
Muslims helping Hindu kumbh pilgrims in Allahabad.
Where are y'all based in?
How do you be childfree as a muslim?
Why do only Muslims have a problem with mixing of the opposite sexes but not people of other religions?
Would you ever marry a non-progressive muslim?
Horrible, disgusting individual
To my Queer brothers and siblings
To my Queer siblings
Imma commit suicide
how interfaith couples manage faith and relationship?
How people balance faith and relationship in Muslim Mushrikeen marriage?
I keep coming back to islam
Indiaspeaks thinks there are no liberal muslim voices
Where are the Indian Muslim liberal and progressive voices?
what we can do as Muslims to actually help our community on the ground level?