No way
What is Walter White's favourite band?
Midnight City by M83 is better than any song in Steely Dan’s discography
Vendetta Forever videotapes
Episode 205: Frozempic
Slip it in, jimmy
Last Minute Saul Landslide
America Is Saved
Epic funny time
Who is this character?
Araki sensei, please keep going
We dropped a small ITYSL Reference in our latest Music Video [It's at 2:14]
What did this drug addict (jesse reference) mean by this?
Fan service 🥵
Inside Out 2 Spoilers
Inside Out 2 Spoiler
Shaggy on the set for the 1999 hit ‘it wasn’t me’
Back in 1945, a chicken destined for the chop miraculously survived the farmer’s axe and ran around without a head for the next two years. Mike the headless chicken.
Just listened to ep 204 and ders said that drinking a glass of wime a night being healthy was propaganda from big wine
Who is this woman?
Peter, can you translate it into normal English?
We finally know why Charlie was so happy to get the little version of Mr. Boss...
🧩Puzzling Places: Meta Quest 3 Giveaway