Question for formula feeding parents
0-12mos …when was your hardest phase
Do babies ever stop fighting their naps?
Dads just move so…slow😂
Struggling to be happy for my husband
What months did you find hardest?
Will naps just naturally get longer?
I feel guilty for saying this but I’m exhausted
What does “reading books” look like for you??????
How do you get your babies to sleep longer than 1 sleep cycle?
How do I get my 6 month old to wake up at 630-7?
When you FIRST started solids, how much was your baby actually eating?
What does your baby do well?
I got frustrated and shushed really loudly in my baby's ear and it scared him so badly he screamed and cried. I feel like a terrible mother and like I'm not cut out for this.
When did you start with solids?
I need to know if anyone else experienced this at 6 months
Are my babies sleeping too much?
Help me solve an argument
Is it normal for a 4 month old to hate everything?
Unpopular opinion?
When does the torment end???
Would it be so bad to just be done with breastfeeding?
4 month old still feeding every 2 hours during day
I’m so angry
How did you get your baby to eat egg?