How Much Money Do You Think Tony Makes Per Month?
Steve Buscemi Is The Least Italian Looking Gangster On The Sopranos, Who Here Agrees?
I thought Hasidic Homeboy was the perfect gentleman.
Why didn't Tony or anyone in his crew invest in the stock market and have a legitimate financial advisor who could tell them how to safely invest money and make more on Wall Street?
Why didn’t Christopher have $6k?
In Your Opinion What Percentage Of Non Latino White Americans Do You Think Hate Latin Americans?
What do Latin Americans think about non-Latinos in the USA posting YT & TikTok “FAFO” videos saying that “Latinos thought they were White”, referring to the ones who voted for Trump?
How Extremely Unpopular Is Donald Trump In The Latin American Nation That You Live In?
In A Way Living In Mexico Is Like Living In The United States?
Do You Think Latin Americans On Average Are Way Less Likely To Have A Positive View Of Trickle Down Economics Compared To People In The United States?
Which Latin American Nation Do You Think Has The Very Darkest Skin Afro Latinos?
What is the biggest lie that most people still believe?
Does Bolivia Have The Coldest Winters In All Of Latin America?
Excluding Brazil For Obvious Reasons, How Common Is It For People In Your Latin American Country To Not Have Spanish Last Names?
Who Do You Think Is More Physically Attractive, Meadow Soprano Or Benny's Albanian Goomah?
Why do many White-Americans believe they have Native American ancestry?
If Pablo Escobar Were Still Alive Today Do You Think He Would Be An Enemy Of The Mexican Drug Cartels And See Them As Competition Cutting Into His Income Profits In The United States Or See Them As Allies And Try To Work With Them?
What Is The Reason That Brazilians Are More Accepting Of Immigrants Than Colombians Are?
Why do Italians say they are not white people? That's what Christopher said
Do You Agree That The Colombians Who Are Racist Against Venezuelan Immigrants In Colombia Are Just As Equally Bad As The Gringo Donald Trump Voters In The United States Who Are Racist Against Latinos?
Do You Think Gringos Who Want To Live In Medellin Are Crazy?
Who Do You Think Is More Liquid Cash Rich, Tony Soprano Or The Corleone Family?
Is Panama A 1st World Country Compared To Their Next Door Neighbor Colombia?
Do Latin Americans find Americans attractive?
If cartels in Mexico were to actually start targeting Americans with things like murder, kidnapping etc, would you still blame the US if they decided to send troops into Mexico?