Happy Warty weekend
She has an expensive rug in her garage? 🤪
Is it weird that I didn't have to read the title and immediately knew just from the look of it, that this is a Gilmore Girls shot?
Seth Macfarlane (American Dad, TED, Family Guy) on the Gilmore Girls s2e21
Stop stop stop stop stop
imeeeeeeds 🤡
What is the point of this?
Guys, now her floors feel more elevated.
If your ‘pro-life’ law leads to women dying, it’s not pro-life.
Her day in the life
Girl, get a job
Aww, thank goodness for mommy and daddy!
Did you see the latest reel?
Another day, another complaint.
Bleeding followers
This “series” was embarrassing
I had some time tonight…
Just stop with this hideousness.
She’s lost followers…
Finally Caved
Yes, we know you have no sense of style
Maybe that's what she should do.