Do interviewers care if I didn't send a thank you note?
How to get excited about calculus?
Is there something weird going on this year?
Deferred Northeastern
Northeastern Deferral
Has FNS ever aced?
I wish there was a way to legally disallow yield protection.
Sent an email to the WRONG admissions office
Is it weird to feel grief for an online friend?
Do colleges recalculate your GPA?
Has anyone gotten accepted to a top college with "bad" essays?
Pro Tip: Submit Your Application At Least A Few Hours Before The Deadline This Year
Bro all of yall are the biggest procrastinators I’ve ever seen
is a 3.7 GPA too low?
Chance a failed Case Western deferral
Chance a failed case western deferral
Deferred Case Western....
What are some BAD colleges?
Cornell hater