What ‘permanent’ damage have you done while you were ‘temporarily’ upset?
DAE have a knack for doing ‘permanent’ damage when you’re ’temporarily’ upset?
Lady tries to shat on the sidewalk
Trying to straighten a radiator support gone wrong.
A Battle Royale breaks out among the US states, who comes out on top?
All these brave men gathered just to stop a Girls' Football Match, cause it's Haram!
What do you like most about going to a zoo?
DAE knot their drawstrings before washing so it won’t get lost?
If your last poo had to go by a movie title, what would it be?
DAE love it when they have a poo, then only have to wipe once as opposed to numerous wipes?
I could watch this all day
This lady loses her shit
Without revealing the category what are your top three?
Without mentioning the subject matter, what are your top 3 contenders?
Guy wrestles with dog until owner arrives.
DAE: think the term ‘’rizz’’ is overused and annoying?
A police officer slams an all ready restrained person to the ground.
She would have been better off if the dad got mauled...
Just horsin’ around
In what area of your life do you struggle with self control?
What will it take for you to actually do something? Like what/when has it gone too far for you and you will walk out of your door and take action against this fascist regime? And what should that action look like?
DAE ever wonder if celebrities anonymously use Reddit?
Do y’all think Em will win the Grammy for best rap album?