I saw a post about Spencer and sahar’s friendship that reminded me of this. Notice sahar’s reaction to mentioning Spencer was at the concert. I don’t even blame her I would have the same reaction 😭
big announcement delayed
trying to look cute?
old video but cringe
she looks insane
what a weird closeup to post?
Jump scare (Claudia’s butthole lips)
are we sure about that?
Has anyone else noticed that she’s been posting so much more about her weight recently?
Her boyfriend's brother?
Watch me stock this cart with all of the ridiculous amount of nail products I bought… how is this entertainment? When she does vlogmas the truth about how Claudia lives comes out. She doesn’t do much with herself. What an unfulfilling life.
todays ootd
why… would she post this
Nice try Spencer
I’m uncomfortable
You hear that poors?
Always late
Spencer's bf who idk the name of