who’s scamming who… 😏
Ex is going nuts
Weekly Help and Discussion Thread for the week of January 27, 2025
cw: sa. i genuinely. don’t know what to say about this??
How would you rank the seasons so far?
Give me a reason to go to the 10 states I haven’t been to
IDLEON GIVEAWAY [24 hours, info in comments]
Does he break the friendly gamer code?
Girlfriend of almost 5 years (this Wednesday) broke up with me
What did she casually mention that confirmed she won’t be your wife?
For the longest time I didn't know this was an error and assumed the bodybuilders had their own photographer or something
Psa: if you're about to lose, don't kill the team trying to put the game into overtime.
Do people on console actually have cross play on?
Lewis > M60? Yay or nay
Do you guys think this could relate to Lois and Hal?
That's why i love bob's burgers
Me 18M and my 18F are arguing about if master baiting with her best friend is cheating. Is it?
I hate it here sometimes
Anyone else really impressed by the kid actors who had to be drunk?
Someone in my neighborhood vandalized their own property.
Can Embark stop making the most banger skins ever on either the worst guns in the game, or just making too many skins on one weapon when other weapons have 0-1 skins…
Medium players: Do any of you use the AK over the FCAR? If so, why?
make the thread look like this guy's search history
Mained revolver pre 1.55...
Post a punchline that's hilarious in context but not funny without
What are the best weapons in the game for taking out heavies?