What is your favorite Optimus Prime quote?
HK416 (via ウチカタ_タケアキ)
Nap after mission
Kalina at your service
SKK, What are you looking at?
Krolik waiting for you (by myticalcat)
Welcome to the Cult
I didn't expect the GFL1 chibis at all, I freakin' screamed.
Dancing with WA2000
WA2000's Log
Until we meet again
Drinking with Mayling
WA2000 loves you
Makiatto will find her way to the Elmo
Papasha fixing
Daiyan, reporting for duty!
Soumi on your hands
Creepy doll vs Dinergate
Why Freeze damage when she can do Corrosion damage
Cool advertisment
Welcome to Zucchero
HK416/Klukay is Overhyped