CMV: Individualism is the downfall of the working class and society.
My husband choked me
She usually isn’t this cuddly 🥹
As a Gen Z, do older generations find us weird?
Frustrated with school
how often do you wash your weiners?
Broadsword, please add an experience gain system post level 80. What do you guys do post level 80?
3 months dating and pregnant
I have a "good" WFH job and I still fucking hate it
Say hello to my little friend
Predictions for live action TLK2
Do Dachshunds have better life’s with a second one??
Interesting thing I noticed. Right before the We Are One song, Simba gives Kiara a push, she slides down the rock, and lands with her tail on her head, which makes her look like Kovu. Bit of foreshadowing.
Hosted a Video Game Tourney with the fellas
In USA, will compliance jobs disappear? Are compliance professionals cooked? What’s the point of adhering to complaince if regulatory bodies are powerless.
Is P365 too small for me?
Why are people on Reddit so Angry?
Found my dog In this position, anyone else have this?
First time owner, how should I mame him?
But why do they steal spots?
Scar/Taka with Mufasa/Simba’s colors.
Am I aloud I call them fascist yet?
They know what they are doing is not popular so they have to resort to us not talking about it. It’s happening on this very sub. We will defeat fascism and it will be with our voices, not our silence!
Do I pull the trigger on a P226 Legion SAO?