High Elves are about to get a lot more popular.
Frightened spellcaster and subsequent saving throws
What would you be interested to see in a hypothetical PF3e?
A random idea regarding toolkits
In Jojo Rabbit (2019), The movie never clarifies how she can fly or why her son Jojo is so distressed by this revelation.
Sukgung vs. Crossbow
Does PF2e allow for intentionally failing a saving throw? I think so now.
Tropes you normally dislike being done really well
Looking for ways to buff Magus after sure strike nerf
Do you enforce the Crit Fail misinformation on Recall Knowledge?
The Skill Feat system can be a bit underwhelming in some places. What are some changes that you made to particularly underwhelming Skill Feats?
Starting Stolen Fate soon. Any advice?
Am I alone in thinking that disarm should also be possible with acrobatics/dex?
What kind of concessions would a social event ask of spellcasters?
Kineticist Help (Reactive Strike)
Where is a good place to build characters?
Is everyone happy with how Crafting works in PF2E?
Non-Magic Classes?
What's the most obscure pf2e rule you've found so far?
[Houserule] Restoring Spell Slots with Re-focus
What rules/systems have you kept from previous/other TTRPGs?
I Want to Nerf the Incapacitation Tag
Minor Qualm with Some AP Creatures...
Can someone plz explain counteract like Im 3?
A detailed critique and analysis of the Necromancer playtest