Which countries are more powerful in game than they should be based on the lore?
Are there any naval focused mods
Quantity v Quality
The Entente and Moscow Accord are natural allies.
How did Leopold acquire Congo as basically his private property?
Why isn’t Wilhelm 2nd remembered for his colonial genocides while King Leopold is?
Dreadnaught Arms Race
Holding as Ukraine
Ships not repairing
KR AI is better?
If I attack the Dominion of India as Princely Federation is there a way to get the Entente to stop attacking me.
Which KR leader do you think would be the chillest to just get dinner and vibe with?
Kaiser and Chancellor?
How Do I play German Empire?
Who would win in this scenario?
Would Germany try to ally the Republican French or Cripple them further?
How would the Entente feel about France demanding Alsase Lorraine.
How do you think Willhelm 2nd Would be perceived at the beginning of the Game?
If you we're born in the Kaiserreich world which country do you want to be born in?
Assuming the Reichspakt and Entente win the Second Weltkrieg, what would happen next?
Going by the lore, which faction would likely win: the Cario Pact or Ottomans?
Just going by the lore, what faction do you think is most likely to win the 2WK?
what obscure person is well know in the kaiserreich timeline
Am I the only one who thinks Germany should be nerfed or the third internationale should be buffed