how interfaith couples manage faith and relationship?

Disclaimer : I am NOT moral policing anyone or trying to taqfeer anyone. I am asking this in good faith. And please forgive me for my terrible English.

I have a close hijabi friend who is very religious but she is planning to marry a Polytheist guy and we also happen to have a close family acquaintance who is another a very practicing muslimah while her husband is a Polytheist. These two woman are one of the most practicing muslims that I've ever meet. I don't think I am as religious as them. I am not a hijabi and I struggle with other things as well but yet I'd NEVER consider being with a Polytheist simply because it is one of the few things being explicitly mentioned as haram in Quran. How do you manage your relationship while also being connected to your faith? I am sorry if I sound ignorant. I am a teen femcel bruh.

PS : I'm not trying to judge anyone. I know many people would question my faith for not being perfect and nobody is perfect. And the two women who I mentioned are I think much more practicing than me