VERA questions for later this year
Question about bus on Tuesday in MD.. likely normal schedule or could it go to a weekend timetable?
The moment Atlanta Falcons fans found out the game-winning FG was not, in fact, a game-winning FG.
Tiffany Shepis - Nightmare Man (2006)
Caity Lotz
Anya Taylor Joy
to claim people don’t know what phone apps are
Area code 771
Who is a "strong female lead" other than Ellen Ripley?
Yelled at a pedestrian in a crosswalk. So now you park farther away.
Got lucky today
How many discs do you bag? Results will be turned into a pie chart
Best Cell Provider in the Area?
Why do trustworthy people have a good posture?
Should I ride Banshee?
All rides currently down 11am Sunday
Going up 7/1 - 7/3. What’s the plan of attack?
Could fast lane sell out?
What are your plans for this heat wave weekend?
Speedy Parking - thoughts?
Meal plan issue at a park that isn’t my home park
If you had 1$ for every person you’ve fucked, what could you buy ?
Disc Golf Deals USA Giveaway: Paul McBeth 5-Claw AX5 + Variant Prism Proton Eagle Envy & 13 other discs!
Reddit Giveaway of National Perk Service items!