How to highlight text already HTML rendered in Markdown that maps correctly with the raw Markdown text?
[P] OCR for extracting text from Shopping Receipts.
German spox says it won't arrest Netanyahu due to their “historical responsibility” (Nazism). Refuses to answer if Netanyahu is welcome in Germany. This should be a major scandal.
Does this video clip give you second thoughts about the COVID jabs?
F-15 fighter aircraft used by the Israeli Air Force. The camouflage livery and Star of David on the fuselage also indicates affiliation with the Israeli Air Force. (1280x720)
FBM Can I deliver my own products?
FBM How to change status from Shipped t o Delivered?
German Police punching a Jew in his face twice
Can language models help me fix such issues in CNN based vision models?
Video and Voice Verification?
Dilemma on which learning material to go with.
Bone breaking pain & Massive weight loss
What are the coolest things you programmed?
kaggle vs competitive programming which is better?
Germans tell foreigners to go home in a concert
Those who used a computer at least once between 1990 and 2001, what was the most memorable computer game you played during that era? Why?
Best C++ book that teaches you just enough?
Water smells and tastes funny after service.
Help, Why I don't have any group of friends.
Why Azerbaijan is red?
What does Reddit think about your country?
De-Dollarization is Happening at Full Speed
Some Christians are waking up!
Turkish Akinci UAV identifies source of heat suspected to be wreckage of helicopter carrying Iranian President Raisi and shares its coordinates with Iranian authorities
For a begginer - C++ Primer 5th Edition or Programming Principles by Bjarne Stourstrup?
Completed the "Supervised Machine Learning"!