Suggest me some folk rock, soft rock, yacht rock, or country albums
Which character do you most want to see in Smash 6?
Good albums for a night drive?
another day another psyop
What Other Film Composer Sounds the Most Like John Williams?
What Engage character do you wanna see in the new Smash?
Would The Beatles have been as successful if it weren't for Paul's fat ass?
What song comes to mind from this photo?
May the farming season begin
What song do you remember your parents playing that you loved?
What bands are best for mental health?
best songs for people with mommy/ daddy issues?
How accurate is this? Does anybody know?
Roast me!
songs about losing your reputation
My fire emblem collection
My Normal Sized F!Robin Collection
What song comes to mind with this image?
List the Male Singers that can do any Music Genre
What are you too old for once you reach 30?
Who is the worst model out of the Disney Princesses?
Give Me A Song To Listen To While Eating Some Spicy Foods
Daily Song Discussion #192: Eleanor Rigby/Eleanor's Dream (Full Length Version/Broadstreet Version)
Anyone got any good prog metal recommendations for me? I'm bored.
Did a really basic redesign of Snow White (2025) costume. Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas :)