How do i scan for rewards?
any good drink recommendations??
yaoi reads to absolutely avoid
AIO: My sister cheated on her boyfriend of ten years for a year with his best friend. Am I wrong to tell her “you need to tell him or I will”?
AIO for blocking friend over texts?
Am I overreacting by breaking up with my boyfriend over these texts?
best rebel drink u recommend??
Matched again after a couple years. Now it's clear why I left her alone the first time...
Well well
What will it be?
What do you guys get?
I’m curious
You get a dog but you have to name it after the last thing you ate. What is it's name?
This list of abbreviations I saw in the staff bathroom at a school
Name my cute dog
Thought I'd try the Shark Attack
how to order cake batter iced mocha when ordering ahead?
Need a name for this girl. Nothing too silly, maybe horror/gothic related?
Do I look like anyone in particular?
We’re safe for now
who do I look like?
M(21) have never had a gf and am still a virgin and have a feeling my nose and looks are a big part of why , thoughts ?
Light ice
Went camping with my gf, when we got back to our tent we found this little feller