It's not fog, it's smog
Chennai or Shimla? Where even am I right now?
What's the most visually stunning film you ever seen ?
Buying a car in Tamil Nadu without local address proof
Buying a car without address proof in the state one is buying it from
Internet in Coorg
How has Goa AQI become comparable to Mumbai / Bangalore?
Bryan Johnson ends podcast with Nikhil Kamath midway blames it on India's Aqi
Are the leaders of this world, past, present, and future, always bound to be corrupt?
What is to you the goal of analysis?
When will it happen in Karnataka ??
Need help understanding the AQI in Goa
What book about the Seerah of the Prophet (SAW) would you recommend reading?
Who is your favourite Urdu speaker who incorporates an extensive vocabulary and constructs beautiful sentences?
If one day, (And may be perhaps be realized in reality), that you can literally erase the traumatic memories perhaps via electric shock or even directed pharmaceuticals, will psychoanalysis advocate or be against it?
What are some Indian cinematography works you're willing to defend with your life.
The caste system (Varna) became rigid, hierarchical, and birth-based as early as the 4th century BCE, as evidenced by the Arthashastra
Why is there so much emphasis on the therapist not talking too much in psychoanalytic work?
I see mold very frequently in Kerala. Are people not aware about its health impact or are most people somehow immune to it?
If aliens invaded India and you could choose one person to represent us. Who would you choose??
Buying a car in Pondicherry without local residential proof?
How do you decide on your next place to live in?
Suggestions for quiet workation in south India
I don’t feel patriotic anymore, anyone feels the same?
Looking for a liberal peaceful city India. Recommendations?