What Lady Gaga tracks does Lady Gaga overlook?
Lady Gaga Coachella setlist
What is Billie's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added
What Lana song is on repeat for you?_?
Favorite song from the album (hit me hard and soft)?
Day 1: Most underrated song?
Billie Eilish HMHAS Elimination Game day 6: THE DINER is the fifth song eliminated! Upvote/comment your least favorite of the remaining songs on the album.
What’s billies saddest song?
I’m sorry I can’t be the only one
Who do we think will be the tour openers for Europe?
Day 9: What is Demi’s best album?
tour openers
Describe a Billie song very poorly
Billie All Time Top 20 Voting: Billie Bossa Nova #19
Favorite Adele song? (Can be Multiple)
Billie All Time Top 20 Voting: bury a friend #9