Gotta fetch 'em all!
Hey guys, I'm new to the game. How do I unlock the rest of the characters?
My girlfriend has been playing everyday since Nintendo Switch release. Decided to model and paint a few characters. Hope you like it (:
I’m thinking of switching to use a spray paint gun instead of buying multiple spray cans to reduce costs. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good spray paint gun?
Shirt printing with bleach
Title: [Sovol Giveaway] Just leave a comment to Win Sovol Latest Printer: SV06 Plus ACE
Bleach printing!!
🎁Approved by MODERATOR~ Share Your Creativity to Win BIGTREETECH Panda Knomi ●‿
Esun PLA+ Pink, weird discoloration?
Smallest benchy i got with 0.4 nozzle
is it normal.....?
Printed, painted and photographed my owlbear
First 3D-printer, First print.. RESULT
oh my god... Z offset is like a cheat code
Hello i’m new and idk what’s going on :-(
Harmadillo My Beloved
State of the Meta
How my ~8000/3s lifesteal run ended.
[Showcase] Sleepy Time
PSA: Board based CDRs (e.g. silencer) undermine permanent CDRs (e.g. feathers)
Y'all are playing forcefield wrong
Too many perfect start ghosts
Honestly, how did This make it to 10 wins?
What it looks like VS what it feels like. Please change this for the love of god.
Can't win PvP since update