How would you name this album?
Made me grateful for what I have.
Cum gestionați un buget de 12k lei (2 persoane)
Any recommendations for modded campaigns?
Couldn't stop smiling
Peste 8.000 de minute de întârziere au avut mijloacele de transport în comun STB din cauza mașinilor parcate ilegal – 334 de cazuri de blocaje în 2024
my bedroom. 20 y/o
If this was an album cover what would the album’s name be?
Come up with a name for this
You in a slasher movie but with Serious Sam sfx
I'm not having the best day; please could you all comment with photos of your kitties?
Favourite enemy
Can’t have no damn privacy in this house.
Mother and her son.
Big family of cats sleeping together.
I miss those summer nights.
Old man driving with his buddy nearby.
2019-2024. S-a putut și în Târgoviște
Your screen name is now your job, what are you doing 9-5?
"Hai să mergem cu 2 ore mai devreme la meci că mai liber"
Trotuar în Iași 🥰
My new oil painting