Here is a painting of the country Philippines✨
But it's already open...
Trading Tables exist but they don't work
The ARCHIVE is finally finished
The hell is this thing?
What weapon should I use?
Personal Wisdom Chest is now just a husk after recent updates
Apparently this Pacie guy still exists? TFH, please delete him. You know his problem record.
Don’t know if this is too crazy but I had no idea you could get something this advanced from an ad.
Visual glitch on mutation while wearing Spirit armor
What should I do with unlimited resources?
Pls notice, Not received hero Hurricane from league award
Tip: you can use trapdoors directly above lava to create a floor you can walk on that also keeps Striders warm.
EXPLORE: Artificial Intelligence — Mind Machines (Official Trailer)
Legendary skin - Polar Tess
Not loading chunks
Small gaps randomly appearing on clouds.
Playable ADS issue and gems
Infinite exp bug
What if army captains were more important to winning battles?
Any news for the next update?
Should I eat my dough fruit
(NEW!) Things coming soon to Hybrid Animals
When will Battle Arenas going to have a function?